Pre-K – 4th Grade Sunday School – Our Narrative Lectionary-based curriculum connects worship with our Children’s Christian Education Program to help families connect and to help children get more out of worship and their lessons. Faith-based learning activities include story-telling and discussion, crafts, science experiments, interactive team-building games, musical activities, short videos and take-home activities to help families fit faith into their everyday lives.
Middle School (4/5th -8th grade – based on maturity) – Our middle school curriculum collaborates with students in hands-on investigative learning that leads to a deep engagement with the Bible, faith and what it means to be Christian. We continue to engage students utilizing hands-on learning that remains fun, interactive and fosters faith-based relationships with their peers.
High School – The High school class experience empowers youth to explore their faith and ask questions that they wonder about the Bible, disciples, Jesus, other beliefs and hot topics.
Confirmation Class – Confirmation class is open to students from grades 7-12 based on individual readiness and maturity. Every Confirmation class is composed of a unique group of students which calls for a unique approach to Confirmation. First Parish Congregational Church strives to take a more personalized approach to transform your child’s Confirmation transformation, when they feel they are ready, into an inclusive, flexible, and relationship-building experience that will engage confirmands, families, and your entire congregation in the conversation. When registering for our CCEP program, there is a question where parents and caregivers can indicate that a student is interested in becoming confirmed.