It is a long-standing tradition here at First Parish to celebrate our Creator God by worshipping out of doors two Sundays each summer. At a recent Deacons meeting, it was decided to make that THREE Sundays in 2024!
Our first outdoor service was held on Sunday, June 30th.
Our second outdoor service will be Sunday, July 28th and our final outdoor service will be on August, the 25th. This works out to be the last Sunday of each of the summer months.
We will Worship on the lawn across from our parking lot. BYOC (Bring your OWN chair). Words to songs will be provided in the bulletin for the day.
There is no time change. We will still worship at 10:00. Come early so you can hear the church bells ring us into Worship starting at 9:50!
If there is rain, we will Worship indoors in our Sanctuary.
artwork: Tree of Life © Mary Southard Used with permission